Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mt. uhud

Musk Cave

Mt. Ohad (Madina-Saudiarabia)

During the battle of Uhud, due to the incident at the Archer's hill, the course of the battle changed. The Prophet (pbuh) himself was wounded.

Some of the followers, escorted the injuried Prophet (pbuh) away from the battlefield and towards the Uhud mountain.

They climbed the mountain to come to a cave where the Prophet (pbuh) rested until the Meccans had finally retreated from the battlefield. Since then, it is said that this cave smells of musk.

I personally visited the cave on 23rd Feb 2011, and it does smell of a special musk.

At the foot of the mountain Uhud there are no traces of the smell. But once you are inside the cave, you feel the wounderful smell.  Attached are some pictures.

Musk Cave in Mt. Uhud - Madina Saudi Arabia
Inside the Musk Cave

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