Motivating a Team to Change
He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. – Harold Wilson
These barriers to change being
a) Agreement to Change or Improve (We should change or Its time to change)
This is the first step in building a critical mass towards change. However, this is one of the most difficult steps as people are very happy in their comfort zones and perspectives. Convincing them to move out of comfort zones or change perspectives is an uphill task. Pointing at numbers or graphs may not convince people to change because those who are doing good at numbers feel no need to change, while others take is as criticism and feel that they are not more needed and hence generally start looking to be part of another team.
To make people agree to change, focus should be to bring them out of “behind the desk” and bring them face to face with reality, so that they see what you are seeing.
b) Availability of means to Change or improve (We have the resources that will help in change)
Once people agree to change, they will surely find ways to change as they will start leading their brain
But still they would not have fully moved out of their comfort zone and would start question the availability of resources that will help them in changing, the question being will we be successful in this change. These questions either make them trim the ambitions to change or start waiting for the resources to be available to change. Unluckily, we currently live in a “resource constrained world” hence the team leader focus should be in redirecting the resources to areas with biggest possible payoff.
c) Wanting to Change or improve (I am motivated to change)
5As of Motivation (1) Appreciation, (2) Authority, (3) Avoiding Pain (internal to self) (4) Affluence and (5) Association. And the 9 tactics around the “5As” that lead to self / others motivation being (1) Recognition, (2) Trust, (3) Challenge, (4) Direction and Communication, (5) Opportunity , (6) Personal Stake, (7) Freedom of Choice, (8) Incentive and (9) Association with a team or group.
We have discussed recognition, and how it is used to tame killer whales
Trust as a motivator
Challenge as a motivator
Direction and Communication as a motivator
Association as a motivator
Motivation via growth opportunity
Motivation via personal stake
d) Politics (This change are in alignment with my vested interest)
Vested interest always resist change, the more likely the change becomes, the more loud these voices become. The focus is always to protect one self or one self position. Creating alliances is one way out of the political hurdle, another being making people think win-win and lastly you can always make people focus on the objectives of changing / not changing rather than the position they have taken towards change. Position is an emotional state and is difficult to break with the objective is more logical and easy to break / convince.
Again, its not simple as ABC. The importance given by different team members to the above barriers changes with time, hence making it difficult to bring about a quick change. This makes it very difficult to have a formula to change. However, a time comes when a lot of people are “For the change” or “Against Change” and this direction/inclination of the critical mass of people decides will the change be successful or unsuccessful.
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Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine. ~Robert C. Gallagher